Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Poster analysis: Uses and Gratification theory

Today we looked at different poster ads from Channel4 and analysed them, using the user and gratification theory. Relating it to the audience and how it effects them; font, image, colour, layout, language etc. 

I chose this ad for Channel4- Disarming Britain because it was striking, using children to express the dangerous acts that happen in Britain now a days. The simplicity of it relates to some of things my group and I have been talking about when it comes the advertisment of our documentary. The amount of people in the shot was something we were discusssing, one or two? I thought one we be a good idea compared to two, this is because it reflects what we are trying to get across. Technology practically taking over us and its in everyone, although putting billions of people in one shot may confuse the audience. However, this does then relate to our audience: the reformers, who want a challenge to wonder why we put so many people in the shot.

Wednesday, 20 February 2013

Half term filming

Monday 18th February 2013

We ended up filming a lot of good shots. We wanted to get people on their phones and establishing shots of buildings and different types of technology being used. While we were there we thought that a timelapse would work really well, with our fast pace documentary; we put the camera on the floor of a bridge at South Bank to get good, clear shots of people walking past. We did have some issues with it, when we arrived on the bridge there was loads of people on it, and then when we decided to put the camera down there was hardly anyone walking past, which meant that we had to leave it there for quite a while. After about 5-7 minutes, crowds of people decided they would like to cross the bridge, YAY!!

Dakota also thought that get people crossing the road at Trafalgar Square would be another good timelapse, because we wanted a sort of birds eye view of the street and we couldnt get any higher than ourselves, Ali made use of his brain and jumped on top of a metal box on the side of the street...

We managed to get some really good shots from there...woop!

It was coming towards the end of the day and we needed the sun, so we had to get moving. We wanted to get infront of the big TV boards at Piccadilly Circus, to film for our voice over. We thought it would be a nice idea to follow up on the timelapses for a alternitve ending, were Ali is standing on the corner of Piccadilly and traffic and people are moving fast behind him. This went very well, after we managed to find a tripod...

I was a human tripod...the only problem was that this kept making us laugh. It must have taken us over half and hour to get a 2 minute shot. We got it in the end, with a lot of laughs still in us, we went home.

Wednesday, 13 February 2013

Call sheet- Advertisment

Picture Practice


Who- Victoria, Ali, Dakota
When- 14th Feb
Time- 8:50-9:50

Who- Victoria, Ali, Dakota
When- 14th Feb
Where- Auditorium
Time- 1:10-2:10

Props Needed:
Clothing (Navy bue/Black)
Syringe (Science)
Mobile Phone


Monday, 11 February 2013

The 12 types of advertising

  1. The demo
  2. The problem
  3. Symbolise the probem
  4. Symbolise the benefit
  5. Comparison
  6. Exemplary story
  7. Benefit causes story
  8. Testimoial
  9. Ongoing character or celebrity
  10. Associated user imagery
  11. Unique personality property
  12. Parody or borrowed format

To advertise for our documentary we have decided to use symbolising the problem as our type of advertising. This reflects the way we want our audience to feel and what they are hoping to feel when they see it. They like to be enlightened and challenged by what they see and hopefully our ad can do that by how much we give away, what questions we ask and how it is presented.

For example we liked the look of the 'end of the world concept, like the cover/poster of the 2012 film:

Now obviously we can not live shoot this, but we were looking for a kind of dark and demeaning look. Where there isn't much to say about it, but you think a lot, the 4 digit number giving nothing away, just leaving the audience with questions...

Friday, 8 February 2013

The Brief

Creative Brief

What are we promoting?

Documentary about being addicted to technology

Who are we talking to and what do we know about them?

We are talking about the Explorer's and Reformer's of the world, we know that they like to be challenged and to find something that they have never seen before.

How do we want them to feel after reading our ad?

Enlightened and challenged

What is the single most important message we want to communicate?


What tone of voice should we use?



To inform and challenge our audience
Individuals that take pleasure in learning new things



Perhaps images of photos of all type of people walking towards a light to emphasis the 'we are all addicted' concept??



Should allow our audience to feel like they are being challenge after they see the ad and to be enlightened once they have found out what it is about.

Friday, 1 February 2013

Young & Rubicam

First Young & Rubicam various ideas to put a more spin on Maslow's Hierarchy by chosing the core desires at each stage in the hierarchy: Enlightenment, Discovery, Control, Status, Security, Escape and Survival.

Splitting the stages up into 7 different groups that explore 7 types of people; everyone is one of these or if not a mixture of 2.

Y & R say:

The Explorer

These people are driven by a need for discovery, challenge and new frontiers. Young in nature, if not in reality, Explorersare often the first to try new ideas and experiences. They respond to brands that offer new sensations, indulgence and instant effects. In short, difference is what they seek out.
Their core need in life is for DISCOVERY.

The Aspirer

Materialistic, acquisitive peope, who are driven by others' perceptions of them rather than bytheir own values. As a result, they respond to what others perceive as being superficial: image, apperancce, persona, charisma and fashion. An attractive pack is as important to them as its contents. Their core need in life is for STATUS.

The Succeeder

Succeeders, possess self-confidence, have a strong goa orientation and tend to be very organised. As a result, theytend to occupy positionsof responsiblity in society. Their investment in the status quo means they tend to support it.Whenit come to brands, theyseek reward and prestig, and will often seek out the best because that is what they feel they deserve. On the other hand, they aso seek out caring and protective brands- their aggressive attitude to life means they need to relax occasionally. Their core need in life is for CONTROL.

The Reformer

"Don't tell me what to do or what to think" says the reformer, valuing their own independent judgement. Reformers aren the most anti-materialistic of the seven groups, and are often perceived as intellectual.They are socially aware, and pride themselves on tolerance.Reformers seek out the authentic and the harmonious, and are often at the leading edge of society. However, unlike Exporers, they will not buy things just because they are new. Their core need in life is ENLIGHTENMENT.

The Mainstream

These are people who live in the world of the domestic and everyday. A daily routine is fundamenta to the way they live their lives. Their life choices are 'we' rather than 'me'. As their name implies, they are the mainstream of society. They are the largest group of people within 4Cs across the world.They respond to bug established brands, to 'family brands and to offers of value for money. Their core need in life is for SECURITY.

The Struggler

Strugglers live for today, and make few plans for tomorrow. Others often see them as victims, loseres and wasters-aimess, disorganised people within few resources apart  from their own physical skills. If they get on in life, it will depend more on a winning lottery ticket than anything they do themselves. They are heavy consumers of alcohol and junk food. Visual impact and physical sensation are an important element of their brand  choices. In essence, theyseek ESCAPE.

The Resigned

These are predominantly older people constant, unchanging values built up over time. For respect institutions and enjoy acting traditional roles. Their brand choices are driven by a need for safety and for econom. They choose above all what is familiar to them. In life, their ain is basic, it is to SURVIVE.